I want to play some games in my free time, what would be the best option for me ?

choice 1 : ps5 or xbox?
choice 2 : monitor or 4k tv
choice 3 : above choices or simply buy a windows laptop?

context :

1. i have never been a hardcore gamer. i don't dig multiplayer global kinda games like pubg, or other fps. I rather like offline story games like takken or NFS most wanted 2005

2. my current laptop is a macbook. i started development with windows laptop years ago, and at that time i was free enough to complete most wanted 2005 and max payne 1/2 (with cheats) i liked gta vice city / sanandreas as well, but i could not pass its missions and would rather end up roaming around

3. i recently played it takes 2 , some bmx bike racing and some archery game with my friend on his PS5 and damn i liked that crispy super fast and detailed graphical games. might be a good investment for relaxation and weekend time pass

4. i am shifting homes and in need of a personal tv/display as I don't want to share family tv anymore. i don't really watch any cable tv shows apart from news channels and mainly consume ott content (netflix ,prime Hotstar etc) i am wondering if a display could also be mounted on wall and could be able to run otts vis some firestick, jio stick or google cast etc.

5. as i mentioned that i never had a taste for gaming, i wonder if all above would be a bad choice and if i should simply buy a good windows laptop

( whatever that technology is , all i want is to control that screen content with a remote, like we do in tv)

So what's best for me?

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    Go for PS5 or an XBox with a 4K monitor

    Maintaining a laptop just for this is slightly a little more headache compared to a dedicated Console
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    A laptop isn’t a good investment if you aren’t going to be travelling much. I’d personally recommend a desktop PC but since you’re not into online games and stuff, PS5 would be a solid choice for you. If you want the portability, you can invest in a Steam Deck in the future.
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    Get a switch.
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    If you want nice graphics, a console is more economical than a comparable PC. But if you're going to spend 1-2k anyway and plan on playing popular games, you might try GeForce Now, you'd get 5-10 years out of it for the same price and can run it on almost anything.
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    1. PC, because it's obvious superiority, additional versatility, and lower game prices

    2. monitor, unless you enjoy lag.

    3. screw windows. install steamOS. build it yourself if you need it stationary, or get a portable like the steam deck if you want to game mobile.
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    Something people never mention is that the superiority of PC is largely theoretical and doesn't apply to really poorly optimized games. If all you play is the latest AAA game then yeah, you should go PC, but if you like switching between games from a plethora of eras and consoles, it can be an absolute bitch and this is where the Series X/S is a godsend for me. It's so great for emulation and does what it's supposed to for regular titles.

    DayZ is a great example. Just look at the forums of people trying to get it to run decently on PC and pulling their hair out for weeks even though they have a top of the line rig, all trying to get a shitty game from 2012 to run, then having a small update break everything the moment they get it working.

    Meanwhile it just works on the Series X and has since launch, zero tinkering required
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    If you’re not sure you’ll even get into gaming then go for Xbox because you can pick up games cheaper (cdkeys for example)

    Or you should go for an Xbox One X and hit the used game market.
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    I'm not a gamer myself and decided to buy an older Playstation long ago. Thank God I bought an old one. I found out it was nothing for me
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    Get whatever can run Elden ring at 60 fps
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    @retoor i am thinking going this way too, as i am also not sure if i ever will be a gamer. my concerns tho:

    1. I am not sure if i could identify a fake from a real one
    2. if i could, i won't be able to identify the possible issues that it could have

    and a slight discomfort would be to not be able to use credit card for that transaction and get those sweet cashbacks

    But major is to identify a good used product from a fake one
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    If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your free time, I’d recommend trying online casinos. That’s what I chose for myself, and I really enjoy it. Before diving in, I made sure to study all the details — things like payouts, bonuses, and user reviews. One helpful source I found was a richard casino review https://cardsrealm.com/en-us/... which gave me a good idea of what to expect. Doing your research really important!
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