think I'm coming to the realization that you gotta have impossible goals

ones you regularly try to work towards, preferably obsessively

because then it trains your spirit

and everything else in life becomes a cakewalk by comparison

which is the true gift of the whole ordeal

maybe that's where all that rhetoric about "working towards something greater than yourself" came from but it got warped by exploitative parties 🤔

  • 1
    that's literally how I've lived my life so far. You end up living so much with very little to show for
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    @kobenz I don't know if there's little to show for it... cuz if I compare myself to my peers on things we both engage in I'm better off, and they're only better off because they chose to engage in things I didn't. so if at any time I choose to engage in the things they are doing I don't see why I wouldn't get similar or better rewards for it (if the heuristic remains the same). I just stubbornly don't want to. so then am I really less rewarded? I don't really feel so. I actually fully knowingly chose not to do those things, and if I lament such, I'd just go do them, no?

    but the reason I don't do them is because I disagree with the cost. it is not even a cost they view as a cost, or it's a cost they can withstand and I think is too much for me and my higher standards. that's why I chose this. be aware of the costs you're rejecting, those are very interesting things, and if you follow them they lead to interesting things
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    teach me how to value the things more, master
  • 0
    @kobenz like what

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