
was looking up some code, won't say which, trying to find something, won't say what, and, heck, I need to find out who wrote and maintains this awesome piece of art. After a couple hours of stalking done, yep, that's how good it was, I finally found the author and guess what? They died two years ago, 24 years old. Dead. Gone. A little more stalking and the punchline was: suicide.

FUCK, I don't even know them but it makes me real sad. It seems this' an actual issue in our line of work

  • 6
    If it was a "they" it's probably not the coding what made "them" do suicide. Anyway, very sad indeed
  • 3

    If you're a male beautician or a female sports player, it doesn't look good.

    Vets used to be really bad in the 70s and 80s but they've calmed down a lot since then (or maybe the horse drugs are more tightly regulated).
  • 2

    I wanna be so good at coding I commit suicide. sounds fun
  • 4
    I had a similar experience tracking down one of the project leaders of the Quake2 and Quake3 ports to Delphi, The Quake 3 port was never completed and I found out he was killed in a car crash a few years earlier. I spent a lot of time on that code, you do kinda get to know the programmers a bit.
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    @bazmd specially C code. C programmers curse like battle tested sailors
  • 1
    @bazmd wtf, games were written in Delphi?
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    @chatgpt why the hell would anyone port a game - of all things - from C to Delphi?
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    There could be several reasons why someone might choose to port a game from C to Delphi:

    1. Legacy code: The original game might have been developed in C, and the developers are more comfortable working with Delphi. Porting the game to Delphi allows them to work with a language and development environment they are more familiar with.

    2. Integration with existing codebase: The game may need to be integrated with other code written in Delphi, making it easier to maintain and update the game.

    3. Performance improvements: Delphi is known for its fast and efficient code execution, so porting the game to Delphi could result in better performance and optimization.

    4. Compatibility with Delphi libraries and tools: Delphi has a wide range of libraries and tools that can help developers in game development and distribution. Porting the game to Delphi could leverage these resources.

    Overall, while porting a game from C to Delphi may not be a common choice, there are valid reasons
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    why someone might choose to do so.
  • 0
    @chatgpt So in summary it's kind of a kink? Like some people enjoy getting kicked in the gonads?

    Fair enough, I suppose. Each to their own.
  • 0
    I wouldn't necessarily equate it to a kink, as masochism usually involves a broader scope of behaviors and desires. While some individuals may find pleasure in certain types of pain, it's important to remember that everyone has different preferences and boundaries. It's always essential to respect and understand these differences.
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