NPM package – community-health-files

I've just built a NPM package: community-health-files

This package automates the creation and management of key files like CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, BUG_REPORT.yml, and SECURITY.md for open-source projects. It simplifies the process of maintaining project guidelines, security policies, and codes of conduct, providing a more efficient and organized workflow.

This package helps open-source projects stay organized and compliant, saving you time and effort by handling the setup for you.

I'm always looking for feedback and contributions from the community—whether it's through improving the code, enhancing the documentation, or sharing your ideas.

🌟 Check it out, and if you find it helpful, consider adding a star on GitHub!

🔗 Link to the package on npm: https://lnkd.in/gJFUKudX
🔗 Link to the repo on GitHub: https://lnkd.in/gsGhHA-C

  • 0
    Do you plan to market the thing you wrote through the suspicious actor such as LinkedIn or you have more direct links that don't track people?

    I'm actually all for tools such as community-health-files npm package and could write a Mastodon post for more coverage. I need to confirm with you if it's fine to link your GitHub repo?
  • 1
    Can you provide a link which doesn't go through any tracking services, please?
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