now instead of if I type in my address bar and select a bookmark to go to my Vivaldi web browser switches me to the fact I already have that tab open somewhere in one of my hidden workspaces

I want it to notice if I click on a link I already have open and switch to it lol

then I can hibernate my billions of tabs over and over again and not forget they exist somewhere in a workspace I forgot about lol

why have web browsers when you can have an immensely messy desk of notes you never got to

web browsers are inching ever closer to the Innovation that was WebOS. it's all about them cards, ayyo. let's invent the physics of the real world in boring digital spaces already idk. at least it's intuitive cuz millions of years of evolution conformed us to the physical world

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    It’s exciting to think about how we might further integrate the principles of our physical environment into digital design, creating more seamless and intuitive experiences
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