Should I switch from windows to Linux? I'm a college student doing CS and most stuff I've seen on GitHub and such mainly have installation instructions on Linux.

I've heard a bunch of my friends go "dude if you code, consider switching to linux"

Is it worth making the switch? Should I dual boot my laptop or completely switch? Or could I make do with a bootable USB drive?

  • 5
    Set up a vm, see if you like it.
  • 3
    I like developing on a *nix based system. In my experience, unless you’re using Visual Studio and developing .NET, it’s very cumbersome to develop anything.
  • 2
    "dude if you code, consider switching to linux"

    Bunch of retards
  • 0
    test with VM or bootable usb device and see if yourself.
  • 0
    You one let me show you the evil ways of:
    - vim / emacs
    - automation
    - tools lots and lots of 'em.
    - tiling window manager
  • 1
    Dual boot ✌️
  • 0
    @tahnik why though? They don't seem to force him and just suggest it.
  • 0
    @Rethought Most of the time (unless the language is platform specific), switching OS has nothing to do with programming/coding. By the time someone switches OS, they could learn the current OS and get productive tools to get shit done.
  • 1
    My uni uses Linux on the school computers and they provided us with VMs of the exactly same environment and told us to get used to it
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