I live in a country that is blacklisted on freelancer.com, therefore I don't even have a chance to try freelancing. Fuck, there aren't many things I hate more than this so called country.

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    Is Hungary really blacklisted there? Damn, some people don't like our Viktor.
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    No alternative sites to freelancer.com?
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    You don't need freelancer.com to become a freelancer
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    @DjSall Hungary? Oh yeah my profile. Well, it used to be Hungary but it was stolen by the roumanians after the WW. In the rant, I was referring to them. It is a very sad hisrorical story and for me, this place will forever remain a hungarian land.
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    But here in Transylvania (which is technically romania) we have nothing. No Spotify (I had to use a proxy), almost none of the major freelance sites are availabe, everything is just.. shit.
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    @DjSall This really came out stupid with my bio. What I wrote there was just patriotism, but around Q2 2018 I'll actually move out to Hungary.
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    Freelancer.com has been shit in my experience of it “you aren’t missing out”
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    UpWork? Fiverrr?
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    @1989 have any sources on that? you have to have failed thousands of bids to be even remotely flagged.
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    @1989 ah, I see, well then no need to trash the entire platform for that though, its objectively the best in terms of freelancing with escrow, building portfolio, nice interface, both on web and mobile, easy to filter jobs and clients and a shit ton more, that I am too comfortable to list right now.
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    @1989 it sounded too broad to be a personal experience, so I had to make that clear.
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