
bruh what the hell

I've had my doors and windows closed for weeks cuz I've been cleaning and running an air filter for all the dust

and just now I was laying in bed with a headache for 4 hours and I heard a buzzing noise. well that's not a fly. got up and got my glasses and it's a fucking hornet. how the fuck did it get in here. it's fucking October. if it was outside it would be immediately dead due to the cold

I just want less problems, not more, one of these days

now how am I supposed to get rid of this thing. I don't know if I'm allergic to bee stings, but the black mould I found the other day knocked me out with my immune issues... well I'm still recovering 5 days later rn. so anything immune activating is fucking risky

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    Where'd you find black mould???? That shit scares me dawg
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    @spoiledgoods welp

    evidently there was a secret compartment under my fridge. one was filled with dust and the other had a plastic tray. the plastic tray was filled with water and had black mould floating in it. so fucking much.

    I have a bunch of videos of me cleaning that fridge sending my friend them... and I rewatched them and you just see this tray in the background like it's the movie Jaws hahahaha tehe ha cri. I did not know what was coming 😭

    wasp was too retarded to find the open window I made for it but eventually I caught it in a plastic box and put a printer paper under its legs and threw it outside
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    @jestdotty You put bugs outside instead of killing them too?

    Knew there was a reason I got good vibes from you.

    The realest people I know handle big hairy tarantulas like they're kittens.

    Lesser real but equally awesome people I know nevertheless try not to kill random shit just because of happenstance and unfortunate meetings.

    Even if hornets and wasps are kinda the asshole versions of bees.
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    @jestdotty Jumping spiders are the best.

    Occasionally you'll have wasps attack. And when it comes to that it's just like it's no different than a person trespassing on your property or assaulting you.

    Had a wasp flying at my sister one time. Yelled "lets gooooo!" and sprayed him with a water bottle mixed with windex till he fell on the ground. Out loud "oh man hes super fucked up. Stay down bro. Stay down."

    And my sister looks at me as I'm fucking with this giant asian hornet and says "why are you talking to that thing like its a person?"

    It promptly recovered and flew up in our faces and my sister screamed and stumbled back. I swatted it to the ground and then stomped it.

    "Told you to stay down bro."

    Her response

    "You didn't have to kill it."

    I just rolled my eyes. "he was an asshole, he had it coming."

    The giant killer wasps/hornets are the worst. Like tiny little terminators, they can take a beating.
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