
I think php has Potential and no i don't see people using it nor more jobs in that sector as its still 70% of the internet

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    you're delusional
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    Php doesn't suck these days.
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    PHP was born through its mother's ringpiece.
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    Last semester one of my student mates asked if he could build the website in PHP. The teacher said php is decaying. Also said you could run an online business by plugging together something with Wordpress, shopify, firebase and power automate. Pure comedy
  • 4
    @Chewbanacas Is the comedy that they weren't aware wordpress uses php, or is it the thought of trying to run a business on that pigshit?
  • 1
    First p in php is potential. Second p is porn.
  • 1
    @donkulator the guy who did the classes said you should build a website in JavaScript, which knocked me sideways already. When he continued to say that you don’t even have to program because you can make a pig piglet piglette centipede out of the aforementioned I had to pull back in my lungs
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