
Love it when a shady colleague of mine says something to me and another to someone else within a few months. She also kinda told me I shouldn't do a PhD, cuz not everyone is made for it.

Sexism is well and alive in academia! The worst part is that half the time it comes from women.

I hope karma pays her back, cuz I'm too busy to do so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    Fucked if someone says that while you live for it. Someone made a comment like that regarding having kids or not. Stings. I'm still pissed
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    All my homies fucking hate academia
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    My first exposure to the PHD world was a brother in law who had a PHD in Geology. He was a drunk, cheated on my sister, gave her an incurable STD, got onto morphine and other drugs, and then dropped dead when he was 50. I never associated with having a PHD as someone being smart ever since. Later in my professional life I have had the pleasure to work with a number of really smart people. A number of them happened to have PHDs. You would never know unless they told you though. Really humble people. The smartest person I worked with though never got his PHD. He had enough credits to have several. He just never felt it necessary to get one. He also brought in a shit ton of research money to his employer.

    So I dunno. If the people are scummy that you have to interact with that just sucks. I am rooting for you. You can do this!

    Curious, what is the goal when you get yours? I hope you escape the scumbags.
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    that doesn't strike me as sexism

    she just seems toxic and pretty sure she'd say that to anyone regardless of their static traits

    I ended up googling some crap the other day and it went something like:
    a passive aggressive person doesn't want you to know they're aggressive or hostile towards you, they'll make excuses and skirt why they keep shaming and guilting you
    and something something character disturbed individuals

    I'm really trying to swallow the idea that some people can't be helped and just made wrong. an ex I had convinced everyone he didn't "intend" to do X and Y things to me therefore me being mad about them was inappropriate. he turned so many people and got them to harass me for so long, when I ran into a toxic boss at work my fear was that people would tell me I was just "misinterpreting" her behaviours which are actually totally innocuous in nature! nobody said such a thing though. I was so scared my complaint would be interpreted that way and not a peep. at all. wow
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    My gf sent her phd in august. The supervisor wouldnt even give her a paper as a receipt that we could send to immigration,
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    @Demolishun there's no end goal really. It gives me opportunities to live in different countries and get paid well. I do want to start my own company selling robots, but what I want to sell doesn't exist yet so I gotta do the development first. 🤷
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    @jestdotty yeah maybe she doesn't like my personality, but that doesn't mean shit when it comes to research or writing capabilities. This was a judgement of my work, when she's not even in the position to do such a judgement. You see a guy could get away with being unusual in this field, but god forbid it's a femme presenting thing! She has to be obedient and good natured or she's not made for it! 🙄😮‍💨
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