Oversleeping due to sleep-walking to my phone and turning the alarm off and going back to bed is a thing for me now. Fuck.

Is there an alarm clock where you have to type in different shell commands to complete a given task on Android in order to stop the alarm? If not, I'll have to do something with my Raspberry Pi...

  • 4
    I don't know if that, but there are some with math formulas
  • 3
    Get yourself one of those running allarm clock
  • 1
    @Nanos Too much effort required
  • 2
    @MatiasConTilde Those are all too simple
  • 0
    Maybe just place the phone somewhere else?
  • 1
    I'm sure there are some alarm clocks where you'd have to fulfill some tasks in order to turn it off on the PlayStore!
  • 2
    @Skayo I'm just going to go for the Raspberry Pi doing a cronjob that loops an audiofile until I ssh in an type in a command with multiple arguments that change everyday. Seems like the best solution to me.
  • 3
    Novel idea: go earlier to bed 🙃
  • 0
    I always set multiple alarms in multiple apps with 1 minute of diference from each other... And leave my phone far from my bed... Works like a charm...
  • 0
    There is a good one that makes you do puzzles to turn it off that i use: http://wroclawstudio.com
  • 1
    @nblackburn Hmmm, how did I miss that one? I'll try it.
  • 1
    @Robsonstc I'd just throw my phone out a window at that point.
  • 0
    Try this http://sleep.urbandroid.org

    It can use NFC codes puzzles qr codes etc.

    Print a qr code stick in your bathroom or something have to scan your code.

    Also can force you to shake it to turn it off etc.

    Also tracks sleep and snoring and has lullaby sounds etc
  • 0
    It also tracks your sleep phase if you want it to wake you up when you'd feel most rested
  • 0
    @bittersweet never
    @Robsonstc I'd just mute the alarm volume subconsciously

    What I ended up doing was connecting my Raspberry Pi's jack to my HiFi system, creating a cron job that triggers a script at the right times for playing the alarm tone in a loop (which automatically turns on my HiFi system thanks to a feature built into it), and making a bash function "stopalarm $1" in my .bashrc that will stop the alarm if you correctly enter the right date, because that's my weakness. I'll probably make a GitHub gist on how to setup such an alarm at some point.
  • 0
    @demortes Shaking is too easily done subconsciously, puzzles are meh and QR codes are annoying.
    @nblackburn That app is alright, however I think I like my scripts more now :)
  • 0
    Try alarmy.
  • 0
    @filthyranter I fail to see how entering correct date is harder than solving puzzles or scanning QR code.
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    @sSam For me, knowing the current date is impossible if I'm still half asleep.
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    @Nanos Yes, that's a nice way too...
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    @filthyranter I have a small NFC tag on the back of my dresser I have to scan. Can't be seen and serves the same purpose as the qr code
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    @demortes The date works just as well and I don't have to inform anyone else that I'm awake :)
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