
I understand the reasoning behind switching to a new, maybe better, technology, but for fuck sake, it’s against typical Microsoft strategy to “kill and shoot to the dead corpse” something instead of maintaining backward compatibility. Why they’ve changed?
I still can develop VB6 software for Windows 11 that just works. But you removing newer tools for no reason.

In short: Xamarin is dead, and that’s alright, but they are even deciding to “remove” development tools from future updates of VS 2022. Why?? Keep it optional, allow me to write legacy code (just 4 years old actually) a bit longer. 🙃

And also, .NET MAUI doesn’t seem “great”, at least at the first sight.
Why you’re forcing me to switch to it if there are 0 benefit for my product?
It’s so bad the only way to bring developers is this one?!

What is incredible to me is that the “industry field”, which is HUGE is so often ignored because of the “customers field”. Keep them separated. If you don’t want to support old tools, just don’t, but leave them there.
They killed Windows Mobile 6.5 which was old but still alive and fine in the industries, you had the biggest market share in PDAs and decided to give it to fucking Google.
The manufacturers kept selling WM devices even in 2020… and they stopped just because you stopped selling licenses.
You acquired Xamarin, gave everyone for free the tools to keep writing .NET for Android and move the industry apps, and now you are saying “actually fuck you, do it again, even though nothing really changes, but convert your entire project to this bs we’ve created”. Why???

Microsoft response: it’s just a few clicks and everything works fine.
My response: No, it’s not… the entire UI is rendered in a different way, I have to rewrite the whole UI of my app and a lot of modules stopped working because of nuget packages I can’t install anymore…
I have to spend additional time to make it work THE SAME as before, not better. So what’s the fucking point?

  • 3
    I stopped using MS tools for development since they killed UWP and then Xamarin. I realized that everything is on a timer and will face the same fate eventually. Just like all the other stuff that they killed (XNA, Silverlight, etc.)

    As a bonus, I don‘t have to deal with the developer hostile Windows system anymore.
  • 1
    honestly: who TF is even using visual studio at all?
  • 0
    Use JS. It’s never going away.
  • 3
    @kiki C# won‘t go away either. It‘s the frameworks and platforms that they kill.

    JS frameworks die even faster.
  • 1
    @Lensflare fair. Frameworks are bad no matter the language
  • 2
    @tosensei > "who TF is even using visual studio at all?"

    Using it right now. Got about 20~ish devs here also using Visual Studio.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail so... you don't know that rider exists... or notepad... or pen and paper?
  • 1
    @tosensei nice try lol
    The only thing that I personally love about JetBrains is their branding, other than that it feels like using Eclipse for every fucking language… in other words, a nightmare for me.
    Visual Studio has the best UX, UI and performance in my opinion.
  • 2
    @JS96 "best performance"? buddy, that statement is objectively false.

    as for "best UX" - that's a matter of preference, but i would hands down prefer notepad and powershell over visual studio, and i find powershell to be the worst shell that ever existed.

    maybe it's a matter of what you're accustomed to - if all you know is VS, then VS might seem good to you.

    oh, and i would definitely say that eclipse feels much closer to VS than to rider. and i'm honestly a bit sad that SharpDevelop is dead.
  • 0
    @tosensei > "you don't know that rider exist"

    Let me check my success record ...bank account...401K...both kids college paid for 100% (no student loans) hmm..tools like Visual Studio has worked out pretty well for me and my family.

    Could I use rider, notepad, pen&paper? Sure, but I'm not smart enough to do what I do and succeed using those tools. I'll have to leave them to the experts.

  • 2
    @JS96 > "Visual Studio has the best UX, UI and performance in my opinion"

    There are some that feel writing code at a command line level makes them superior.

    Are they? Probably.

    If I have to go to a command line (powershell, etc) to do my job, I'm doing something wrong.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail do your programming in MS Word like a normal person!
  • 1
    @Lensflare > "programming in MS Word"

    Programming? No, everybody knows MS Word is for web site development. :)

    Our early intranet content (before Sharepoint) was written in MSWord. Users had shared folder for the docs and would "publish" (file->save as html) directly to a shared folder in the wwwroot.

    My gosh those were simple days.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail having money is no indicator of having any kind of qualification. only of "being lucky".
  • 0
    @tosensei > "having money is no indicator of having any kind of qualification. only of 'being lucky'"

    100%. #iamafraud
  • 1
    “Best performance” maybe isn’t the best way to describe it, because maybe something better exists but I still didn’t find it.
    Using it for 15 years now and, except some preview builds, I never had crashes, freezes, issues with it.
    I used it for VB.NET, C#, C++, for small and huge projects with IncrediBuild.

    I can’t say the same for Eclipse, Qt, Android Studio, JetBrains suite, NetBeans, Bluej, etc.

    It depends what you’re building, if you like to compile android applications with your notepad or pen and paper, is up to you: :P

    For web my choice is VS Code, after the death of Atom.

    Notepad++ for everything else.
  • 0
    @JS96 well, my experience is that i rarely have had any problems with rider (and most of it are due to no-longer-supported ultra-legacy code i have to maintain), and about the same total amount of problems with visual studio in less than 1% of the time.

    so i guess this mostly is a "your mileage may vary"- topic.
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