
Just setup a new phone cause old one is flaking out. Spent two hours uninstalling bullshit. The default weather app had fucking tiktok video ads running in the app! Fuck you motorola! I uninstall this piece of shit weather app. Then this non shitty weather app appears. Fuck you motorola! That should have been the default. Turned off all the suggestions bullshit, uninstalled like 20 garbage pos apps, took 10 minutes to figure out how to shut off phone because new android os is fucking retarded. Fuck you google! Seriously you changed the fucking power button to pop up the stupid voice shit! Fuck you google!

The whole time I am waiting for the setting I can't change so I can return this shitty phone. Fuck you motorola!

I dunno, we will if this isn't complete shit.

STOP RUINING EVERY FUCKING THING! Fuck you shitty ass phone manufacturers!

At the end of the day, at least I ain't a retarded Apple user... I am just a retarded aNdRoId uSeR!

What did go smoothly? Transferring my old data wasn't complete shit. Its a 5G phone, but it still only seeing LTE. Fuck you T-Mobile!

I hope there was enough "fuck yous" in this post.

  • 2
    whoa they're still letting you uninstall apps

    phones are such a monumental waste of such good hardware. makes me irrationally angry
  • 0
    USA problems. Maybe guns will fix it, idk

    take your gun and go to their office I guess

    or sue them
  • 2
    @jestdotty you can still uninstall pretty much every app via adb

    Or go nuts and root it
  • 1
    so... your fuck fuse has just blown, eh?
  • 2
    Ah, don't get me started on "SMART PHONES". lol
  • 1
    @bazmd please, go on...
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