
Satisfying my own curiosity #3:
Who here dabbles in electronics?

As professional or amateur/hobbyist, doesn't matter.

I'd appreciate straining from discussions, ideally 1 comment per person starting with "I do" or "I don't" (it'd make counting easier).

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    I don't. I can handroll assembly for a few architectures, but I'm just not the kind of guy to build the board himself.
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    I broke many raspberries and lost three m5stack devices. Those things are awesome (esp32).

    Look at all the interfaces this thing has and things build in like a tweeter or so. Also, it comes with a battery that lasts a hour or so:


    See other images on that page. It's beautiful.

    You can write in python (needs some flashing) or a simplefied C. It's C with dynamic string length and you can do str1 == str2 I guess. They kinda made C better
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    Planning to make smth nice?
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    @retoor A friend of mine wanted her adjustable desk to randomly change height, so it'd force her to change position every 20 minutes or so. She sent me some photos and half an hour later I knocked on her door with a programmed esp32 and a soldering iron in my hand. She went absolutely bonkers about how many supposedly unrelated (her words) skills I have. I'm trying to convince her it's perfectly normal in IT to dabble in things like electronics, picking locks, defeating car security, etc, and that she's the odd one for not being into that stuff.
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    @cprn that's a very cool project. I cancelled because couldn't find a good use for it. But I love the devices so much.

    Interesting how you guys make a standing desk even worse. Hyped shit.

    Some say it's good for concentration but I can't concentrate at all programming standing, I could even better consume alcohol and sit
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    I do, mostly security work and robotics, I've a background in electrical and electronic engineering.
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    Discuss away, dolls & guys. There's not enough comments to worry about issues with counting anyway. I don't know what I was thinking.
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    I don’t
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