
LOL, all the PDF enthusiasts are going to BlueSky!


  • 2
    good musk is a bitch and still owe me a fiver
  • 1
    i mean i dont get it it says its decentralized

    but also how hard is it to publish a rss stream ffs
  • 2
    How they haven’t been sued by the incredibly litigious Sky media group already is certainly baffling
  • 4
    I thought Mastodon already killed it. Surely this one will take...
  • 0
    Interesting things
  • 1
    It has many users already. I'm always amazed how people get those first ones. Reddit used bots for initial content / give idea of activity. All those platforms are not made with love like devrant is. Also, a general purpose forum is lame - you need a subject right. Do you really want to spam about what you've read in the news like everyone else? Also, why would x need an alternative? It works fine for people into that stuff. Oh no, the owner is for free speech, people are so bad, it will be only racism now! Ofc not, people are better than that in reality. You're an arrogant basterd to think people need to be corrected according to your standards. Take devrant, not moderated and doesn't get out of control at all! Living example
  • 0
    Why the Pdf enthousiasts?
  • 2
    @retoor you got a lot out of that sentence. lol
  • 1
    @Demolishun retoor did dem 42 seconds research like a real analyst. My second job title was data analyst btw. Now I actually know what data analysts actually do, I take distance from that title. Don't want to be associated anymore with that. But it sounds so nice.

    Llm's really can replace data analists. Provably are already better at it depending on subject
  • 1
    Well, can't say from other sources, but at least in Spain, there has been this big prog left movement wanting to abandon Twitter and go to bluesky, because they are upset that Elon musk is no longer censoring opinions contrary to theirs.

    Ironically, they, who claim to be antifascists, prove to be the most fascist, since from the moment they got there, the reports for "inappropriate content", (say: whatever they don't like) had multiplied like 100x.
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