
Alright, I've got a confesstion. It's a confession and a question, combined, get it?

Anyway, I've been a happy Linux user for over 20 years now, and I've used all kinds of graphical envs, from tiling wms like dwm and xmonad (I didn't care for hyprland, sorry if that's weird) to full DEs like kde, cinnamon, gnome, etc.

The "question" here is why do people hate Gnome so much? It's the one environment that I keep coming back to, especially now that my main machine is a beast, and RAM usage is nary a concern. Even then, my system is sipping RAM compared to KDE (running two docker dev environments, three browser windows with several tabs - one of which is streaming music, slack, and steam is sitting on the fourth virtual desktop, chilling), and I'm still at just over 18 GB of ram.Being able to push one single key/key combo, and type anything at all that is vaguely relevant to what you want to accomplish, and having that thing be instantly available (including searching for individual files) is super nice. Easy virtual and multi monitor switching is intuitive; little to no effort needed.

Even when I want to do other stuff, like play a game, or edit a photo, video, or some of my shitty musical-aspirational material - GNU+Linux with Gnome has been and continues to be the easiest, most neato way to get shit done.

Why the hate, gnome haters? Maybe you’re using it wrong?

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    I have no opinion on desktop environments because I've never used one. Dude, straight arch+dwm, and that's it. Perfection...

    well, okay, I had to recompile the window manager a few dozen fucking times. It was easy, I swear!
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    @Liebranca DWM is great, I love it. But sometimes (especially after a while) it's nice to just install a desktop environment and not have to spend a ton of time on it ever again - I know this is troll bait, but it's not intentional because I mean it. "Everything" is troll bait nowadays.
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    Having to recompile DWM every time you change something isn't so bad. It's a fast compile, but on the other hand, why bother with that if your hardware can handle something more CPU/RAM intensive? I haven't seen a ton of modern systems where you'd really consider dwm or ratpoison or something like that out of necessity. Easy peasy, predictable DE with minimal config is an easy peasy choice, IMO.
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    probably cuz it's buggy

    I just got attracted to least buggiest thing I tried

    judged based on usability time before something breaks due to bug

    also helps if something is simple to edit (and edit powerfully) and doesn't do too many new things for no reason

    tbf I did xfce then i3 so customizability is a big one for me I guess but I understand others aren't that particular
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    "why do people hate Gnome so much"

    people don't hate gnome. people hate _gnome 3_ - gnome 2 was absolutely great.

    but gnome 3 is just too overloaded. try cinnamon - it's gnome3 without the bullshit
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    Linux people hate everything that brings them even the slightest bit of UI beauty. MacOS, Gnome, elementaryos, you name it
    The uglier it is the more Linux folks like it. They say bullshit like “yeah but it’s faster” even when it isn’t
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    @kiki associating "MacOS" with "UI beauty" is a sign of clinical insanity, you know?
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    @tosensei do I look like a sane person to you? Check my username again
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    @kiki People should only use cmd and vim... But I don't use Linux so 🤷‍♂️
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    I find something about once a week that makes me wonder what is wrong with my computer. I don't know if its because I updated from an older version of Linux (config issue), or if there is something fundamentally wrong with the window manager (Gnome), the display protocol (X11) or the driver layer. There always seems to be something fucky going on.

    For instance when the I want to paste into the Files file manager I cannot have the list view if there is a lot of files. I have to switch to Grid view. There is no space to right click and paste. Which is annoying and frustrating. There is probably a keyboard shortcut I need to learn for this.

    Whenever I lock the screen and log back in, if the machine blanked the screens, it moves around and resizes windows and places them on different monitors. I don't even have a way to describe how stupid that is. No idea where the fault of that lies.

    These problem persist through versions and always seem to add up to more.
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    @kiki I am an obnoxious arch user and I approve of this message.
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    LOL I switched to hyprland full time XD
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