
Wanna hear your opinion, what's the different of these two?

  • 73
    One is green, the other is blue.
  • 1
    Well, Judging by that shade of blue I dont think it is an original Ardunio Uno (not judging though) so I will say first of all cost and then raw power
  • 7
    Ones Arduino, and one is a yummy Pi
  • 9
    The differences don't matter, because I'd say the raspberry pi is better than the ardunio.
  • 25
    Green one is single board computer while that blue thing is single board microcontroller.
  • 10
    @Michelle It's not that simple. The Pi is terrible for a lot of things. Arduino boards are a lot more reliable for hardware control, such as running motors , reading sensors, running control algorithms, etc. They can handle more current, fail less frequently, are easy to program, and can be replaced pretty easily (in boards like the Uno, you can replace the main IC for next to nothing). Plus, you can easily construct your own Arduino boards using discrete components. Also, cheap knockoff Arduino boards are almost as good as the legit ones at like 1/8th the price.

    When you need the flexibility and advanced use cases of an OS, use a Pi/any other single board computer. When you need to control hardware, in most cases a microcontroller board would be better.
  • 6
    All those people making fun of you and don't answer your question.. horrible. Let me answer you.

    Well VGA has a shit resolution, but you had to connect it to a device outputting HDMI, so you can't really care about the difference but HDMI is able to transfer sound and shit, which gets lost with that adapter you used.
    Furthermore HDMI sends CEC, to tell the screen some details about sent information.

    HDMI is like completely different to VGA.
    Overall, HDMI is better.
  • 1
    Windows 10 and windows xp? That just came on my head
  • 3
    @Michelle that was not an intelligent comment.
    A pi is powerful but seriously lacking in areas. When power consumption or timing matters microcontroller solutions win. Also when many things need to be connected (sensors, actuators ect.) the arduino has far more room and features for it. Also the setup time and cost is far better on microcontroller solutions. Plug in programmer or USB cable upload code and done. No need for an SD card with an entire OS.
    When you need an OS (e.g. run applications, interface with multiple generic devices as USB devices) a microcontroller just won't do. Use the right tool for the right job
  • 0
    @RememberMe lol I got interrupted while typing my comment. I see you said almost the same. Applying the Facebook law here if 2 people say it's so it must be true 🤣
  • 3
    Notice the words "I'd say," do you know what those words mean? It appears you don't.

    They mean IN MY OPINION. I never said it IS better, but merely my OPINION. Read carefully next time.
  • 1
    @Michelle sorry I was already triggered by "the differences don't matter" while the large differences are why they are suited for such differed situations.
  • 4
    @Michelle I can be hash in the mornings but I did not mean to offend you. I give my opinion. Me calling it not so intelligent might be not so intelligent of myself. I'm waisting far too many words on it, so the scale seems to tip towards that one. I say stupid things myself. When I do I don't mind being told so as long as they care to share where I went wrong. The sorry in previous comment was I'm sorry if I offended you; didn't mean to do that.
  • 0
    One is a fully working system on a chip and the other is just a microcontroller. Like Linux and windows when it comes to real world coding stuff.
  • 0
    One is a microcontroller the other a little computer
  • 0
  • 0
    Microcontroller vs Microprocessor
  • 2
    Saying that the Raspberry pi is better than the Arduino is like saying that a drill is better than a hammer because its a powertool. They simply have different uses.
  • 1
    Some of the comments are foolish. Ultimately your end goal should help you determine your choice.

    IMHO Arduinos are damn fun!!!
  • 0
    So, for making IoT stuff, which one is better? Since Raspi is good for large scale, and Arduino have powerfull power to control mikrokontroller
  • 1
    If you just want a board that runs your code plus a few library calls, use a microcontroller like an Arduino.

    If you need high-level functionality like networking, filesystem, GPU, USB host, or just a ton of memory and processing power, use a single-board computer like the Pi.
  • 0
    So that's the difference.

    But what the heck are this things :D
  • 0
    Turn it into a RetroPI! They're so much fun to play with. Simple NESPI case mod and an 8bitdo controller.
  • 1
    One has an OS
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