Soooo I have been taking my learning experience to Hackerrank.com, so that I can give myself some training with actual problems to solve instead of all theory, and today I'm working on one of the Challenges, and and I'm slowly getting it and working at it, then im looking at the code and think man I can clean this up a bit and merge things and make it look pretty! So I slave away and making it look pretty and stuff. I look at the code, all 70 lines of code and I'm so happy with my work. I pressed submit, of course I passed it! I had made sure every bit of my code made sense... After I finish and am so happy, I decide to take a look at what other people answered......

While my answer was 70 lines of code, almost everybody else's was AT MOST 18-20 lines of code!! Uggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Makes me feel like I got a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGGGGGGG way to go...

  • 3
    Whether it takes you 10 lines or 100 lines, you still solved it.
  • 2
    I feel like I'm kind of in the same boat at this point in time, so I know what you mean. It's all learning though, seeing others solutions and practicing those will help you think in more flexible ways.
  • 1
    Happens a lot initially. Don't worry, you'll get there eventually.
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