
if a normal brain ran on bits, an ADHD brain runs o qubits but with NO cooling system

  • 4
    I run on chronic, kukicha and a lot of masturbation.
  • 9
    What if an adhd brain is the normal brain?
  • 4
    @Lensflare yeah it's everybody else who are slow.
  • 4
    @Lensflare jesus christ a few of us in a room can cause enough trouble
  • 5
    By which I mean it's basically to unstable to be worth anything
  • 5
    @antigermanist you're just married. You shouldn't pull pp yourself. Leave pp alone!
  • 5
    @Lensflare when I was manic, I had certain instinct, top condition, also better smell and resistant against cold and stuff. Feeling like an animal that could fight a tiger. Everyone around you - who forgot that he / she's an animal tells YOU that you're not alright. At a certain moment, much medication later, you're like them again and considered normal. I'm not sure, It was like I was then awake and now sleeping.
  • 3
    qubits that forget to just wave alittle
  • 3
    @retoor maybe it's an issue for others but i'm very erectile.
  • 7
    @kobenz hey, quantum computers can make mistakes but when they're used for the right task they blow normal bits away. Same for ADHD. I am by far the best programmer on my team but I'm shit at documentation. And being diplomatic. And planning. And organising. And turning up on time. And pretending I care about other people's piddly ass problems.
  • 5
    And being humble.
  • 5
    Ironically I've probably got the best social skills in the department.
  • 3
    @kobenz I don't think they know that qubits require temperatures of around or outright below absolute zero to maintain their state.
  • 5
    @Liebranca don't think you understand what absolute zero is...
  • 4
    @atheist Oh, my bad, you can't go below it as that's impossible. You're right.

    Point still stands.
  • 2
    @01015087592 cool. Now, do your parents a favor and commit suicide. They're tired pushing you everywhere in your 2nd handed wheelchair that was once stolen in a western country.
  • 0
    @atheist yup, always a wink away from sociopathy
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