
Ah, shit. First, I get downvoted a bunch, by a rogue jester bot I assume, then the retoornuke goes off, and with her account, even more of my hard-earned updoots lost into the ether.

How is this important? It isn't. I'm merely annoyed. Needed only a couple more to get myself a pet, I was so fuckin close maan. Now I need about 60 again, so not too bad actually, but if you see me shitposting at an increased pace, then you know why.

  • 5
    This sounds like a Pet Peeve...

    edit: sorry about the notification nuke
  • 6
    @Demolishun I'm not complaining, and in fact I'm grateful, but you didn't have to do that lmao
  • 4
    @Liebranca it reminds me of when @lorentz 's phone was crashing because of notifications. That was you right @lorentz? He had to turn off notifs.
  • 5
    '24? Hmm... For some reason I was convinced you're an old-timer on this platform..
  • 8
    @netikras I've been here since forever, I just have this weird tendency to delete my account a while after I hit 1K, then come back a few years later.

  • 5
    Users = companies
    Leaving comments on their rants = investing
    Comments = stocks
    Upvotes on comments = appreciation
    What retoor did = rug pull

    Invest in NYSE:KIKI (more like DR:KIKI)!
  • 2
    @Liebranca In that case i will make sure you stay under the 1000 upvotes but I see you got some help with upvotes. Damn, that went hard huh? :P
  • 3
    @kiki Haha, wtf, I looked up definition and a rug pull is EXACTLY what I did. Nice, there's a term for that.
  • 2
    @retoor Yes it is 😆 made me smile too… if it wasn't funny enough, rug pulls in France are handled by… the Parquet. Oh, irony.
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