
So I was just watching a show with subs and see this line:

"So just try and catch me!"

The first thought that came to mind was:

try {}
catch {}

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    Your brain is weird.. 👍
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    But if what you're wanting to do is trying to catch then what you really want is to 'throw.' So to try to catch you would be the same as throwing you!
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    @arcadesdude no because if its not caught then the entire program crashes?
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    @billgates key word is try. As in if you try to fail and succeed did you fail?

    Ah yes if the catch works then try failed. I still like the idea of throwing though 😂
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    @arcadesdude honestly i have no idea how to understand what u sorta said.. ok movie night...
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    @billgates intentional throwing is fun haha.

    The appearance of sense is nonsense. What I said is nonsense. If you can make sense of nonsense then you'll understand 😁
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