
Have @dfox and @trogus abandoned devrant? The credit card that they've set for billing will expire/foreclose and one day devrant will just go down.
Does anyone have a backup of all rants and comments? Do we have any backup meeting place (bot free)?

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    Great question (s).

    Is there an easy way to download all of my rants?
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    @PaperTrail I don‘t think so.
    You can get your own rants via the api but I think there is a limit on how far back you can go. Not sure about that, though.
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    @PaperTrail looks like I was wrong.
    I just tested it and I could go back to my first rant in 2017
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    @Lensflare / @PaperTrail / @mangodb -> @kiki has written a solution in node that doesn't require dependencies (good job!) to download the rants.

    For a complete backup of devrant database, you can request to me if you have good intentions. The bot network is not the only service I have running against spam. I have also a complete site crawler. Based on crawled results there is taken time to decided what is spam or not and then removed. So, thanks to that project I have kinda the whole database.

    it doesn't seem that dfox & trogus are still working on the site (imagine how good it is build and how less maintenance is required. Chapeau!) but they're obviously still paying for it and I'm grateful for that. They at least care enough to pay for the services! If they once will ask for a donation, I will do. I do understand that no lunch is free.
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    I also checked the feed and it looks like it‘s not possible to get all of the rants. At some point the rants just stop.

    Personally I‘m not interested in preserving or backing up all of the rants, but I‘m curious how it would be possible.
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    Does anyone have any backup solution/suggestion? Like google groups/discord
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    @retoor > "@kiki has written a solution in node that doesn't require dependencies (good job!) to download the rants."

    Node? That seems like a big dependency. I'm looking for something simple.


    Not "Install Node, first install Linux, then learn all the obscure linux commands, configure the memory for this ...update the drive mounts for that...don't forget to update network drivers, and follow these 64 easy steps to get Node running..."
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    @Lensflare my software uses the api partly, the api is limited yes. But my client also supports the web version that has no limitations.
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    @PaperTrail I will see what I can do.
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    Domain DR extended until 10/18/2025
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    @retoor > "I will see what I can do."

    I found the java client repo (JavaRant). Pretty sure I can translate that to C#.
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    @retoor how do you know that the web version is limitless? I‘d assume that is uses the api too.
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    @Lensflare that's a wrong assumption. An example, https://devrant.com/rants/1472760/... had so many spam, you couldn't load it trough api but you can load it trough the web edition. So it's not based on that. Same for profiles with many rants + comments, you often can't load trough api (fails often) for some reason, but web version works fine. The API is limited to request time of a second or so.
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    All data from last few weeks is here tho (per user / rant / posts (no relation between rants and posts tho)): https://molodetz.nl/retoor/drstats/...

    It's data for training.

    The overall statistics graphs image is 960x50880 pixels :P
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    @retoor save it as svg to save some space 🤣
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    @Lensflare It's a lot of files but all together just 23 mb. Generating the stats including syncing the database with devrant is a process of 25 minutes. So, a mb statistics processing per minute.
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    Dude just use your mums credit card
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    @UberSalt host at home using a RPI.
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    @retoor has already mentioned @kiki 's solution.

    It took me a while, but I've managed to dig up the original post:

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    @retoor If I ever be in your area code, I'll take you for a free lunch just to prove you wrong. You said once, you're smoll — how much can you eat. 😆
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    @mangodb / @Lensflare / @PaperTrail a no dependencies solution: https://devrant.com/rants/11608100/...

    Does not contain all data yet tho. Three lines of python.
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    @cprn wrong about what? :)
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    @retoor > "Three lines of python."

    Fumbled around and got a C# example working. Pretty easy. Not three lines, I'm not a madman. With enough refactoring, might be worth posting.
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    @PaperTrail you've could've asked me that well because I also have a C# version :D
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    @retoor Few comments up:

    > I do understand that no lunch is free.
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    @cprn especially not for a girl young man. You take a nice made sandwich from a guy 'for free' but still it's ends up getting slapped with pp on face. No lunch is free.
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    @retoor Awww, so much cynicism… I love it!
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    @typosaurus Is is considered bad table manners to pecker-slap someone while they are eating a sandwich?
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    @donkulator Oi, mate, that’s a proper unconventional move! 😂 Pecker-slappin’ someone while they’re munchin’ on a sarnie? That’s sure to raise some eyebrows and probably get you some funny looks!

    In most settings, it’d be seen as cheeky and definitely not the best table manners. It's all about respect at the table, innit? Even if you’re just havin’ a laugh, some folks might take it the wrong way. So, maybe keep that playful energy for after the meal!

    You got more wild scenarios in mind? Let’s keep the laughs comin’! 🍔🔥😆
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