! rant

i'm missing a "comment is stupid enough to deserve it" in downvote reasons. or do i misunderstand and it should not be symmetrical, "upvote if good enough, downvote if bad enough"? because right now, downvote button looks like a precise opposite of ++, but the menu makes it semantically feel more like "report post" instead of "rate as bad"

  • 1
    that one is too neutral, semantically i percieve it as "post is good but not interesting/valuable for me".
    i need something like "post/comment is universally, objectively bad"

    which probably risks introducing a lot of inter-community negativity/hostility, yes, but from my point of view as a user...
  • 1
    @irene those god damn aliens ruining everything.
  • 2
    @Midnigh-shcode How can you decide if something is universally bad? You can only answer from your point of view.

    And, I think, there should be more priority to avoid intercommunity negativity than having this option.

    People come here to rant, which can be super stupid or totally unwanted information for you but that doesn't deserve a down vote.
  • 1
    @fckIE well... precisely.
    i can decide from my point of view, that something is universally bad.
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