
Never used Gradle before but first impression is it's absolutely trash.
What used to take a couple dozen milliseconds now takes hundreds of THOUSANDS of milliseconds..

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    We’ve hit the 15minute mark.

    hfs kms.
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    I've never been a fan of gradle but had to use it for Android projects, I've never had it cause that much of a delay, all I can think is that ether your code base is super massive or you have messed up gradle config or your system is very underpowered. 🤔
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    @hexc I mean, I’m running on a MacBook (not pro) but it’s never struggled before - everyone else’s build are between 5-10minutes depending on how much has changed.
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    @FrodoSwaggins yeah the dependency fetching is absurd. And my build just failed after 20minutes and 21seconds. FANTASTIC.
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    @brod but is it an older MacBook? Maybe that's got a play in things. Still though 5-10 mins is astronomical imo. My largest project using gradle was probably 40-50 classes anywhere between 15 to 1000+ lines each, with 3-4 external libraries used. Compilation through gradle in Android Studio took 40 seconds to about 2 mins, usually closer to the 40 second mark though. This was on a i7 3770k 8GB RAM windows 10.
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    @hexc yeah I dunno, I think the project is pretty all over the place.. there’s a solid million things going on from Java to Angular to Webpack to Angular4 to some random Gcloud libs to Firebase stuff.. I’m surprised it can successfully build at all.

    My MacBook is a top spec 2017, that said it’s still pretty trash.
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    Got my current project down to <10s thanks to optimising the configuration

    Not a massive codebase, but lots of dependencies
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    @brod gradle itself is practically just an organizer. compared to maven i havent had any change in performace.
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    @d3vnu11 I dunno, sometimes I just like to spice things up
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    @FrodoSwaggins you know you can point to a local/private repo for packages right?
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    @FrodoSwaggins I must admit I don't know what your requirements are for your build process. However for ours writing everything in bash would have been the worse thing ever. We would have reinvented the wheel at every turn.
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