Gahhhh!!!! I just finished a project that let every kid in my school have a perfect class scheduler, gradebook, etc., in java. Now I have no idea what to do. I want to do something in java because I want to have a very strong base in the language. Do you guys have any ideas?

  • 1
    Exactly !
    Have good time installing Android Studio!😉
  • 1
    Yup ,
    but try Changing SDK location while downloading the Components!,

    As first time installation as newbie u can easily endup in mess downloading huge files for no use
  • 1
    I had issues with size in C:\ ,
    While my first time installation.

    I knew it's discouraging, but yeah that's a true fact.
  • 1
    You could download the dailyProgrammer app, im doing most of the excercises from there and its pretty ok
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