  • 9
    The word privacy in a sentence together with the word Google....

    Just no.
  • 1
    Online privacy is a myth, my friend!
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    @DivideByZero Nope it's not :)
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    ....this feels like a repost
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    @calmyourtities I'm pretty sure there was an identical post where I made a comment ...but ... It disappeared 😓

    Anyway, I give Google credit where credit is due.

    Google does in fact have pretty good privacy controls when it comes to your account (if I'm wrong, name some other company). Google lets you know exactly what dirt it has on your account like the times you opened apps and where you were and at what times as well as letting you see samples of your voice it has. Not that I agree with collecting this information by default, but ultimately, you can remove these and turn these off.
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    @c3ypt1c ... Theoretically. Nothing stops them from collecting that data anyway
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    @c3ypt1c most people, including me believe that they still collect data but do not show the data to the user
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    Does it link to about:blank?
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    @Gnu-Not-Unix I know. I seriously hope they're monitored and inspected by someone to see if they're not lying.

    @calmyourtities I believe they don't collect data from profiles but that they collect data through their analysis. I'm pretty sure they could get into legal bother if they lied on their privacy policy on profiles.
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    *clicks link* immediately gets a page that states: you failed!
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    @c3ypt1c i dont know how the government could find out. theoretically there are ways, but i doubt it could happen in the near future
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    @calmyourtities I mean, I guess so...

    Happy early 20k++ btw 😊
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c This indeed seems like a repost. 🙂
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