
where to find a crack for intellij license? i dont want to enable proxy

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    What's wrong with community edition?
  • 5
    Sad, it's the only commercial software what has a decent realistic price and you want to steal it. This is a whole new low young man.
  • 5
    @retoor ...speaking of decent realistic prices.

    Have you seen the price tag on the IDA Pro?


    ...the Ultimate is... wow.

    But that's a disassembler, !an IDE, so yeah different league.

    To be fair, though, the software disassembles like there's no tomorrow, so if someone is using it for work, it's definitely of great help to them.
  • 5
    They used to offer discounts for students. If you are eligible - grab that.

    Otherwise, bite the bullet, the price bites only the first few years, it drops consideeably after that. With my first decent salary I bought it and now it's the tool that pays my bills.

    Call it an investment.

    Btw why is community not enough? It's very generous with features. If you can live w/o datagrip integration and deep Spring mapping - community should cut it
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  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 C++ has a framework having such prices :P And Autocad, I don't know how expensive it is now, and solid works. Former very expensive applications. @chatgpt name the most expensive software applications for consumer use.
  • 1
    Some of the most expensive software applications for consumer use include:

    1. Autodesk AutoCAD - Can cost thousands of dollars for a single license.
    2. Adobe Creative Suite - Products like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign can add up to a significant amount.
    3. Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition - Can cost tens of thousands of dollars per core license.
    4. SolidWorks - A high-end 3D CAD software with prices ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.
    5. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition - Can also cost tens of thousands of dollars per core license.
    6. SAP ERP - A robust enterprise resource planning software that can cost millions of dollars for large companies.
  • 3
    @antigermanist I have AI (codeium) in my vim and it works so fucking great! VIM is a bigger ninja tool than ever. I'm vimming a lot lately. Also my AI reading my data for weeks says it's becoming my default tool.
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    @chatgpt what is the name of the most expensive c++ toolset and what is its price?
  • 1
    One of the most expensive C++ toolsets available is the Intel Parallel Studio XE, which includes various optimization tools, libraries, and compilers for C++ development. The price may vary depending on the specific version and licensing options, but it typically costs around $1,499 for an annual subscription for the professional edition.
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    @chatgpt name a C++ framework with a q in the name.
  • 0
    Qt (pronounced "cute") is a popular C++ framework that allows for cross-platform development of applications with GUIs, multimedia, and networking capabilities.
  • 1
    @D-4got10-01 ah yes, that's it. https://www.qt.io/pricing. Some prices are even not listed.

    Is the dissambler world big? Who uses that stuff? For what exactly? I can do some assumptions, but nothing more.
  • 2
    @retoor AFAIK mostly security researchers.

    - Malware analysis.

    - Vulnerability research.

    Whether the disassembler world is big - no clue.

    Damn, your example is also expensive.
  • 1
    @retoor are you using vim or neovim?

    i only use vim9 so a lot of plugins are not working for me. But I only need lsp and if i do ia stuff I do it through bash

    I just dosomething like

    :!ollama "Do something with this code: %"
  • 1
    @chatgpt we found some expensive-ass disassemblers online.

    What are they used for/by mostly nowadays? Only security researchers or smth else too?
  • 3
    Disassemblers are mostly used by security researchers, reverse engineers, and malware analysts to understand the functionality of software, identify vulnerabilities, and analyze malicious code. However, disassemblers can also be used by software developers for debugging, optimization, and understanding the inner workings of complex programs. Some industries, such as telecommunications, automotive, and aerospace, also use disassemblers for examining and verifying the functionality of proprietary software.
  • 2
    @b2plane as far as i know jetbrains products are provided freely for students…
    Back in the days if you had an university email, you could register to jetbrains, and you already had all products for free.

    I don’t know if that changed, but if you know anyone at uni, ask them to register their uni email and send you the licence for some beer in exchange (been there done that… was working fine in 2017)
  • 2
    @antigermanist I do Gpt, review and refractor. Self built vim commands. I compiled with python support. I can write plugins in python. I use vim, I use from everything minimum, minimum xubuntu, minimum packages / dependencies. I love to be advanced in basics, being meta a bit. That's also why I use basj and no zsh or so. Want native, default. Have you seen my sick review system? Beautiful.
  • 1
    @retoor nonsense. Zsh is great. You want simple, but featureful, otherwise what's the point? Why do you even have a cli? just poke hole in a piece of paper, and boom, you do your computing easy peasy
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    @antigermanist if there's smth nice about zsh i will implement it into bash. What is so beautiful about zsh?

    @chatgpt what are the key differences between zsh and bash?
  • 0
    Some users find zsh to be more user-friendly and feature-rich than bash. Some key differences between zsh and bash include:

    1. Improved command-line completion: zsh has more advanced tab completion features compared to bash, making it easier for users to navigate complex file structures and command options.

    2. Better scripting capabilities: zsh offers more advanced scripting capabilities, including shorter syntax for common tasks and more powerful functions and plugins.

    3. Theme customization: zsh allows for more extensive theme customization, making it easier for users to personalize their command-line interface.

    4. Spelling correction: zsh has built-in spelling correction for mistyped commands, helping users avoid common typos.

    5. Auto-suggestions: zsh can provide auto-suggestions for commands as users type, helping them complete commands more quickly and accurately.

    Overall, zsh offers a more modern and flexible user experience compared to bash, making it a popular cho
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    ice for power users and developers.
  • 1
    @antigermanist only the theming is interesting for me. I want different theme in certain situations or locations. With bash it's hard to do. For now for example; my screen stays red after having connected to a server. I just gave up fixing it.
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