
that fucked up moment when you create and Android Application in Android Studio for a startup and the CEO of that company asks will it work for iOS also ?... :-/

  • 2
    Startup and their budget issues :)
  • 7
    Of course: file > save as > iOS app...didn't you know? ;)
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  • 2
    hey guys, what's the best platform to develop mobile apps?
  • 3
    @tysa For Android: definitely Android Studio. iOS: don't know but others will surely have an opinion on this. You could also try Xamarin in Visual Studio, which allows you to create an iOS, Android and WinPhone app from 1 single C# code, though my experiences with Xamarin have not been pleasant, to say the least...it's a good idea, but not mature yet...
  • 1
    @tysa I always go with Android studio for Android.
  • 2
    Why yes, and while it is doing that, it'll solve world hunger, end wars and colonise mars
  • 1
    @Lukas thanks. xamarin sounds like a good idea to me because
    1) I am used to vs
    2) I like c#
    3) it will ensure uniform experience across ios and android.

    but I would have to look into it because sub par experience is unacceptable.
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    best platform to work on multi-platform app is ReactNative from Facebook. it's awesome
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    @rt4914 Is facebook's official app developed with react?
  • 1
    @mohammed not completely but yes they do use a lot of react native. they developed this language and used it for 2-3 years after that they announced it publicly.
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