
I ran out of ideas for scripts and terminal applications, you guys have any?

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    I've got a big ass idea, had it for ages but I'd want to be open source and free :)
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    @linuxxx sounds interesting, you could post it as a collab
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    @linuxxx, I'm all for FOSS.
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    I was working a while ago on a script to change my entire environment from light to dark theme and vice versa. I got a barely working version and forgot about it, but it's a cool thing to do if you're into colorschemes and config files, since you'll have to edit a lot of them. For me, it implied coding in support for automatic colorscheme switching inside my vim, Emacs, urxvt and cmus config files.

    It's fun to do if you're into this sort of stuff
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    @Gnu-Not-Unix, I'll give it a try
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    Deb environment install script - set up a new Mint install with a dozen code editors, editor plugins, MySQL, PHP, etc.

    There must be something already out there, right?
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    @j4cobgarby @DewWisp Idea shortly: a general frameworkish thing for the terminal for which one can write modules.
    Okay but what kinda framework/modules?: a general purpose search engine. Not like Google but think like a weather module (what's the weather locally in one command?), what's the sorry behind this specific artist (music, discogs.com) in one command, what's 10 euro to 10 dollars in one quick command?

    Is that kinda clear?
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    @linuxxx, thats a neat idea.
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    @linuxxx sounds pretty good
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    @linuxxx kinda like Google assistant but without Google and spying?
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    @c3ypt1c That and also commandline based
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    @linuxxx sure, I could get behind that c:
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