
Had a talk with my mentor and the CTO today.
They made very clear that they'd want to keep me employed after I finished my bachelor and briefly asked about my plans.
I am happy and this kind of gave me some more peace of mind concerning job security.

Thing is though, I don't know yet what I want to do in two years from now. There are some possibilities and of course I don't know how my private life will develop.

If I stay there, I could finish my bachelor and then do a master halftime, like I do now with my bachelor - or I could stop at my bachelor and start working full-time again.
I rather want to stay there - though I strongly dislike the 9 to 5 job model, the work would be in a field I'm interested in. My colleagues are a nice bunch of people and I respect them a lot, especially the team I work with.

On the other hand, I always thought about freelancing and was researching possibilities during the last year. My skills are not so easy to translate into a freelancing job, though, if I don't want to do at least 50% software development.

Or I could get a job somewhere else which would have the charms of starting from scratch. Many new experience, much new things, wow.
Maybe also a better salary though if I'd be doing the job for the money only, I'd probably have worked elsewhere.


I'm usually quite relaxed about my future plans but some of these things were on my mind for some time now, also, I'm not sure whether I can "define" my future just yet.

Also, I'm overthinking it, yes.

I will have another talk in about a month.
No pressure, right?

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    Hey! The hardest time to get a job is right after getting the degree because "you're missing experience". If you can get that job and you also like the field, i think it's a good start.

    Usually students, even part time working students don't have a pile of money around that could be used to pay the rent while the freelance business is not yet running so well yet,so saving some cash could be useful to start, i mean if you want to have that way as an option.

    And now i switch language cuz reasons:
    Da wo ich mal gewohnt habe gab es so einen Berufs-&Technikerschulenkomplex und die hatten da vom Arbeitsamt gesponserte Programme zur Firmengründung, auch Abends und am Wochenende. Vielleicht wäre sowas eine Variante um den Geschäftlich-Rechtlichen Kram zu lernen, wenn es sowas bei dir auch gibt.

    Good luck anyway!
  • 3
    It should be clear to them that if you finish studies, you'll have higher salary requirements. If they want you there and willing to pay for that, and you also like the job and see challenge there, go for it. You can always find another place if it doesn't work.

    I don't really like the idea of freelancing. It's not as good as it seems and you can probably be better off in a good job, especially after some time goes on.

    Freelancing doesn't equal entrepreneurship, and if you're thinking of starting your own company, you can start working on it regardless of having a day job or not.
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    @nptr I've heard it's somewhat common in Germany to only get bachelor
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    Thank you all for your perspectives. (No, really.)
    I got a good night's sleep and everything is looking less fuzzy now, your encouragement surely helped.
    The conversation seemingly really caught me off guard yesterday.

    @CWins Thanks, saving up to start is a good idea, I didn't think about that though I also save up for other things. :D
    Also: Ja, auf solchen Firmengründungsevents war ich schon, gerade an Unis wird einem das ja quasi nachgeworfen. Ansonsten habe ich vorletztes Jahr so ein Abendseminar zu Existenzgründung mitgemacht und das war recht informativ z.B. was Gewerbeanmeldung und steuerrechtliche Implikationen angeht.

    @nptr Yeah, that's what I' m thinking, too, though @electrineer has a point that is no so uncommon to only get a bachelor.

    @mzeffect I may not share your views on freelancing, but I realized that I still see some challenge there, which is a good point for me. Thanks!

    @AlexDeLarge I probably have to tell myself exactly that more often. Thank you.
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    (reading tags... done) Okay. *hug*
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    A degree is a means to an end. Consider that you may not actually need one at all. *NOT* that I advocate dropping out or not chasing a master's degree.

    You're at a crossroads, so sit down and meditate. Ask yourself, "wtf am I doing?"

    You can do anything you want. Anything. A Master's degree is an expensive piece of paper, but if the process of getting it achieves some goal for you (e.g. some vital knowledge you can't get online or in the field) go get it.

    Good luck! I hope you find what you want. :)
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    @stisch I agree with you, I don't need it, but academic learning can be quite ... inspiring, I think? There are so many things currently being researched and knowledge you can be "infected" with.

    (Also, it's probably worth mentioning that a Master's degree in Germany is relatively cheap compared to the US. Money is tight but I won't be in debt at the end.)

    But yes. Thoughts are now in the process of condensation, so during the next weeks I'll surely come up with a "roadmap" for the next years I feel comfortable with.
    Thank you. :)
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