
When making an ecommerce site, what platform do you guys use? WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, ....

Or do you just start from scratch with a payment gateway such as stripe or icepay

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    I had some experience with OpenCart and for mostly cases, it shows a good performance and facility for end users (shop owners or employees). Btw, it depends a lot on which kind of website the client wants, which level of customization of frontend it needs and so on... :)
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    @felipebhz do you happen to know how accepting wire transfer goes on opencart?
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    I really enjoy woocommerce and the community around it :)
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    @liammartens I cannot assure you that they have a package for that, because in Brazil we use in mostly cases credit cards, but they have a lot of payments methods already in the core system. Once OpenCart is based in the UK, they probably have a native package for wire transfers. :)
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    It depends massively on the client, requirements, budget and support etc. Recently I have been using an online cart on a subscription. You can do a lot of tinkering with design and majority of features are out of the box. One of my favourites (in the UK) is shopwired.
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