
Who do you vote?

Austin Evans
Unbox therapy
Linus Tech tips

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    Unbox and linus
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    @DLMousey yeah
    I really love the new series, auto focus, but I doubt that would ever continue.
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    I think u can't put Linus in this list cause he doesn't rly review stuff :)
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    @noogli well, he does a different aspect of reviewing stuff if you look at it.
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    MKBHD & Unbox therapy - always.

    Linus tech tips - is a festival of adverts that's gotten out of hand. I adblock them by blocking their content completely.

    TLDToday, same as jayztwocents, I have no idea who they are.

    Austin Evans - No.
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    I don't lile Linus
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    Is Bryan Lunduke an option?
    I vote Bryan, 'cause Linux Sucks
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    MKBHD and Linus.
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    Oh god, I hate Linus. Running a server with a gui? What is he? 12?
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    @RobertSmits nah. Sorry. 🤣🤣
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    Linus has too much money to throw at unrealistic projects. I'm enjoying MKBHDs content lately.
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    thenewboston and LiveOverflow.
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    Linus and mkbhd
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    None. They are just a bunch of people who pretend to be smart but aren't really technical in any sense and take advantage of ignorant people by making click-baity videos and catchy thumbnails. Go spend your time on something productive and stop watching them seriously. People like you who give them views are the reason they're millionaires with Tesla Model S, 3 smartphones and expensive computers
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    MKBHD and Linus
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    MKBHD and Unbox Therapy
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    MrMobile (Michael Fisher)

    I used to watch LTT back in the days when Luke Lafreniere was a regular host. Linus is getting a bit too much for me. + the ad situation has gotten out of hand.
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    Linus, but where is HardwareCanucks?
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    @Condor did he really leave? I thought that thumbnail was another click bait (and didn't want to waste 1 hour looking at nothing)
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    @hidingFromBoss Luke is back at LTT for a while now.
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    @Condor tldtoday is Jonathan Morrison
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    Unbox and Linus
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    Also, JaysTwoCents has been my go-to for tech questions I've had, or would have had when using certain hardware
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