where do you deploy your web applications (node/rails/etc) on a linux server?

/srv -
/opt -
/var -
/usr/local -

  • 0
    Heavily depends on the application, sometime simply in a folder in the home directory. Sometimes on a partition, sometimes even an encrypted partition..
  • 1
    I prefer var, and a docker 😀
  • 0
    /srv is the only place
  • 0
    /var - Ubuntu standard, and been doing so ever since starting my Linux journey from Ubuntu.
  • 0
    /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/{app name}/public
  • 0
    I tend to use /opt but going on the other answers I am questioning that a little.

    I've looked into Linux root folder naming before, and it didn't look like there were 'rules' per se - so we're just consistent, /opt on all our servers!
  • 2
    @mattjbones there are absolutely rules:
    its called the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS for short)

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