
Bulgaria and Romania are now part of the schengen area, maybe I should buy myself a gypsy wife as my way outta third world 🤔

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    Good that you don't have my dad's number, he sells me for a sheep and two potatoes. Or you would even get them I guess 😂 but gypsy wife totally sounds like fun. Go for it.

    I think there's nothing wrong with it as long you care good for her. Use eachother I would say.
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    @retoor I lol'd at the first part, I think caring and by caring I mean to give a fuck about the gypsy wife would be kinda difficult since she most likely doesn't speak english, secondly I don't have enough saved up to pay for a good looking one, so my options will be to hide the face and fuck the base and not being a crazy mf until I get my new passport since she could still divorce me and ruin my life
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    call me before execution of the plan, I can probably help you with the bargain a better deal or just lower the price of your chosen one ;)
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    she's gonna cut your dick out dont do it
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    @We3D You pimping out gypsies? or do you have a new years promo code?
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    @UberSalt neither, I'll be just a translator for you and advisor if you wish
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    @We3D didn't know you were speaking romani.
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    @antigermanist I don't, but there is a slight chance they know some bulgarian ;)
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    @We3D i was talking about the balkans yesterday with a girl from near the national park.

    Yea i started doing rock climbing again ahah. Well bouldering but id love to get back outside.
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    @antigermanist that's good. I haven't climbed rocks soon, but I go in the woods pretty often and started hiking in the mountains last year. it's so refreshing =]
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    @antigermanist and then use your disembodied penis to put a curse on you!
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    @antigermanist the stereotyped family profession of stealing everything not nailed down also might put a damper on things.

    Unless you enjoy theft.

    Then you can be like bonnie and clyde, and die all romantic and heroic-like together.

    Or probably just get arrested and separated by the deportation stormtroopers.
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