Proposed http response codes.

(image taken from DefCon 21 talk by Chris John Riley)

  • 0
    Just out of curiosity, how many response codes should a developer know?
  • 2
    @mohammed I don't know. Just look them up as you go along. I believe there are about 300 commonly used. Most of which you'll likely never see in person unless you do malicious stuff
  • 6
    732 Check Stack Overflow
  • 4
    @mohammed Personally the only ones I'd worry about are
    302 redirect
    403 unauthed
    404 not found
    200 OK
    500 - Run like hell... I mean Internal Server Error 😂
    there is also 100 I think which is keep alive and another in the 100s for proto switching?
    2xx we good
    3xx we good but over there
    4xx ahh darn it
    5xx oh, f*** this s*** 😂
  • 1
    @burtybob 500 is my best friend, he never leaves me alone.
  • 3
    @burtybob 401 is unauthorized. 403 is access denied.
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