Just realized that you can use emojis in Swift code 😮 #uselessbutinteresting

  • 2
    I did not know this
  • 8
    It's been part of swift since 1.0. Looks like someone hasn't been reading their documentation. Tsk tsk
  • 1
    @xroad i read the Apple's Swift book and took a course on Udemy and none of both showed anything about it. A friend told me today
  • 5
    @galaxyfinder1 huh. I think I first saw it as the ebook Apple gave away to introduce the language.
  • 1
    @xroad I think you are right. I checked the Swift 2 1 guide, and it mentions it at least. In the basics chapter in the section Naming Constants and Variables it showes examples of variable names using only emoji, and even Kanji.
  • 4
    and that is the only reason why i cant take swift seriously as a programming language
  • 0
    they use emojis starting at the first page of the documentation/tutorial ;)
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