Is anyone here on Udacity Android Course by Google?

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    @deepgoel how is it? I've been wanting to sign up. You got any feedback?
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    @suprano I've got selected for Google udacity scolarship program. It works as a Kickstarter for the beginners. Though not all the concepts are covered in the course I'm enrolled in. But it pretty much clears the basic concept and give you a fair knowledge about how apps are developed in android. If you are further interested in learning you can enroll for nano degree program. Apart from this they've provided many free courses on their site. I've completed few of them. They also work fine and are definitely informative and helpful.
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    @suprano Pretty awesome so far. Won't really get feed back till the second half of the program... if I make it. But, so far it's pretty good. If u want to knw more they have free courses u can take.
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    @codedsun Nice! Are u intermediate or beginner?
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    I actually already took the free Android course on Udacity. I thought you guys were talking about the nano degree which I want to enroll in.
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    @DivSyntax intermediate!!
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    @suprano want to enroll in? We're talking about the the Android Google Scholarship challenge.
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