If you ever feel useless, please check this. It would give you some hope. 😂😂😂

Source: Reddit

  • 14
    It's actually not that bad.
  • 8
    And then ask you if you want it as predefined browser
  • 2
    Not even available here lol
  • 3
  • 8
  • 3
    It's small, it's fast, it loads pages.
    For most people it's enough.
  • 5
    Also it integrates nicely with edge on windows, so I think there are enough people willing to use it
  • 7
    Remember , If internet explorer can ask to be the default browser, you can ask out any girl in the world!
  • 2
    It actually wasn't a port. They use the phone's native browser tech with Microsoft services and UI
  • 2
    It's a decent browser. And Chrome sucks harder each day.
  • 3
    If actually kind of nice. Light and smooth as far as I've used it.
  • 1
    It has potential. Not useless at all.
  • 0
    @DylanG ya know that 🙂
  • 0
    All those who are saying it's not useless. They promise easy integration with all your devices, and who the heck uses edge on windows and it's not even available for other OS.
  • 1
    I hope it's an Android game
  • 1

    I do ehen is use my laptop as tablet.
    it doesnt suck as hard on the batery as chrome and has a great touch usability.
    no way you can use firefox or vivaldi with touch gestures.
  • 2
    @luckbot same here, Chrome is basically unusable on convertibles. It's really bad on the battery and clearly not designed with touch & pen in mind. Edge is great for the battery, touch & pen.
  • 0
    Microsoft's presenter install Chrome during presentation because Edge won't work.


    Your views, Edge praisers?
  • 2

    jesus christ...
    i am not an edge praiser.
    all i said was, that edge currently has the best touch input usability...

    i still use vivaldi as a main brwoser since ff abandoned its tab groups.

    nevertheless, this edge bashing is so boring
  • 0
    @luckbot I'm not complaining, just saying 😅
  • 2
    I remember seeing an ad for Edge coming to iOS and Android titled “You asked, we listened!”

    Who the fuck asked?
  • 1
    Windows Phone fans actually hated this at first because Edge for Windows Mobile actually had the search bar at the bottom (above the keyboard when it was up)
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