When I am telling non-tech people that I am studying Software Engineering:

They: What do you study at university?
Me: Software Engineering
They: Oh, so you're an engineer! My *some random person* is also an engineer!
Me: No, not that kind of engineer. I am a SOFTWARE engineer. I don't build things.
They: huh?
Me: I write code. Programs. For computers. I a programmer.
They: oh, great, very perspective! Will you fix my *PC/printer/whatever has on/off button on it*?


  • 1
    Damned if you're an engineer, damned if you're not

    Try being both lol fuck sakes.
  • 2
    Could you please fix my pc? You have studied to do that...
  • 0
    Did you code the printer
  • 1
    So tired of being "the IT guy"... No I can't fix your friends-sisters-sons laptop.
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