Being a developer for nearly 5 years now (that's gone too fast!!) has made me suspicious of the reliability of third-party technologies and how often "sods law" likes to creep up on people at the worst times it can.
So much so I found that I caught myself earlier putting this in an email to my solicitors fearing the pending wire transfer I'll have to do soon (goodbye savings!):

  • 2
    crypto fixes these problems but they're too busy trying to kill the industry and tax everyone to death, like literally send them to prison and take every cent sort of death
  • 1
    Oh, good that you mention it. I got 50,- stuck pending for my Google play credit while ago. Did happen before and got refunded after few days. Should check this, else monnehhh gone. But actually, Google does a good service, I had contact with actual real people about my stuck money previous time.
  • 1
    It's not refunded while I did it 3 januari. Thanks, else I would've forgotten about it. Almost lost 50,-. You deserve a cookie.
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