Of course I am a UI/UX expert!

  • 3
    That twitching feeling... Uhhh
  • 7
    It's missing something... Can't put my finger on it.
  • 0
    I read that as "Of course I am a UI/UX" at first and I was confused as to where the joke was
  • 5
    Wow, making a POS myself and to think that people critisize my work as being to ugly.....
  • 4
    This is a crime against humanity!

    Here have a read about doing forms right.
    “Designing More Efficient Forms: Structure, Inputs, Labels and Actions” @101babich https://uxplanet.org/designing-more...
  • 1
    Looks like piper
  • 0
    My guess is that you didn't even bother the work to use grid on those controls 😂
  • 2
    If it wasn't clear, this isn't mine, it's from a bank we work with.

    It is fugly but at least it shows every bit of data you might need to see.

    @heyheni Thanks, I'll pass it to the company that made this ...thing.
  • 1
    Threw up in my mouth a lil
  • 0
    guilt pleasure: although I wouldn't stand making it myself, I kinda like seeing this....
  • 2
    Jesus man... All those drop downs and text fields look like they are trying to build a brick wall 😂
  • 1
    At least everything is accessible from the same page, and not 10+ subpages.
  • 0
    @gloslistan That's the only thing I like from that system.

    I don't really care for fancy UI but can't stand something that ugly as well.
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