
YouTube keeps feeding me react videos. Disliking them for just showing up doesn't seem very ethical. It probably thinks "You watch them quite often so here, you have some.". Yh, because YOU PLAY THEM AUTOMATICALLY. What a dystopia.

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    There's usually a "don't recommend channel" option I go for. Downvoting doesn't really hurt the video, platforms promote engaging content not positive content. Or at least used to, now meta and x just promote bullshit.
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    @atheist my chromecast doesn't have such option. Besides the react videos my recommendations are good enough that I most use nothing else than my remote for chromecast. I play almost only recommended videos or videos sent by friends.
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    @retoor down voting is interacting (and is treated like an upvote in the uploaders algo), it's the same problem the clowns on twitter have when they comment on things they don't like
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    @BordedDev poor clowns :(
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    I mean React is 90% of all programming content on YouTube, from the perspective of the algorithm that probably makes it a public concern that is relevant to everyone in the field whether they like it or not.
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    Or it's a drain of the recommendation graph for you like Fucking House of the Rising Sun is for me.
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    @lorentz react also nerds the most explanation I of all technologies. Good tech can be explained in oneliners. Take vue(tify), there's not much words to say about that. Just works as expected.
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    @retoor I don't even know what you're talking about, Vue literally changes JavaScript way more than React
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    @lorentz in a very convenient way. With Vue you can guess everything. It has a great DX. It's decent class based. Not the weird rear variable everywhere component shit.
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    @lorentz I disagree, react changes the the way webpages work by way more, since it's imperative not declarative. Vue stays to how the web was designed, declarative structure with imperative bindings. It's also why react has such terrible performance
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    @BordedDev Ill give you that, but reconciling the two approaches in code creates a new language with its own logic that has to be learned, whereas in React you can just use familiar Javascript techniques that work exactly like they would in vanilla to connect the tools the framework provides. I'm not making a broad value statement, just saying that Vue takes significantly more explanation than React.
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    @lorentz No, never! React has a firm higher learning curve than Vue. I also question what is not vanilla about it? As I said, I can guess everything. It's exactly made how my brain works. Rust is troubled by legacy. It's not even decent OOP.. While someone mentioned me that's because React's age, that's wrong. I did build beautiful object oriented apps with ExtJS around 2010 while the class was not even invented yet. You had to return an object from a function with properties. That was the way to go back then. I advise the people from React to read 'JavaScript for dummies'. React became popular because of incompetence of many web devs.
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    @lorentz Maybe if you're coming from another language it might look more intuitive, either way you're learning HTML and CSS in addition to JS. People I've introduced to Svelte (it has similar all-in-one files) with "it works like normal HTML with extras" there was next to no need for an explanation for them to grep it, the most recent ones was a senior and the other a junior who had to do (old) C++ for uni and python. But no "fresh faced young bloods" while for react they had to go looking for the tools to use to setup stuff like state. No hate on React its self, just hate on the people who shit out shit code and think they made gold - maybe a little hate for it slowing down the web
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    @BordedDev React requires so much Ninja stuff to produce something that it would actually make you think you produced some gold. I have the same with C. If i programmed something in it, it was so much effort that every app feels like I made gold stuff. But with C it's often true :P
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