
Can one of the dev-senpais tell me stories of what using this was like?

  • 6
    It was ok because better things wasn't created yet
  • 2
    Oh boy! This is what hell feels like!
  • 3
    It feels like playing contra on my Nvidia geforce 840 graphic card.
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    I only used turbopascal and honestly, it was neat. The only thing i would miss if i used it today is autocompletion
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    Honestly it wasn't that bad.
    I used quickbasic for awhile and enjoyed it.
    But then again it was fifty times better than batch scripting.
  • 7
    This was my fight against the whole system at my college 😂..
    Last year, in my second semester, we had this subject called C programming. And in the very first lab , i wasn't able to compile even a shit code of upto 10 counting, just because i can't fucking copy paste or correct a syntax error on line 2 without messing shit up.

    So with due respect, when i asked my lab teacher to do something about this, maybe install some better alternative.To which he bluntly replied that he can't do this because this compiler is "recommended by University"(wow, as if University is the official sponsor of turbo C, Oh wait this shit is deprecated) . Next day I came full prepared on what to say about its expiry, alternatives and with support of a few fellow nerdies...but that asshole made a joke out of me saying that yeah, you should not forget the roots ,this ide is where real coders code, you can't use graphics,etc in other IDEs etc...
  • 9
    So being embarrassed and tired of fighting, i just thought "fuck this shit", dropped an anonymous letter in the teachers review counter and for the next whole semester and semesters after that i used to bring my own laptop with code::blocks in it..
    Don't know what happened to my letter, but yeah i became the celeb "guy with the laptop", used to solve questions hours faster than those struck on their line 3 on turboC and still had time to flirt with fellow chicks /help my niggas out xD
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    It was bloody awesome. I learnt programming on that, and I used it to make some pretty complex stuff (DCT based image compressor/decompressor, woohoo). It was also my introduction to the visual side of programming, I used to plot stuff and make fractals with graphics.h

    You can do pretty cool things with tools that are limited by today's standards.
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  • 7
    It is still being used in Indian colleges .
  • 0
    This fucking shit is still used in our college. Idk why teachers just outright refuse to move on to something decent like dev or code:blocks.
  • 1
    It was great! O boy yes I've created several games on this thing.
    However more languages you learn you lately love remembering those old fun moments.
    Still love for TC
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    @RememberMe ❤️ for graphics.h
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    @eternallyAlone don't shift to code:: blocks or Dev C++ better if you don't want to code in TC use g++ on terminal instead and some nice editor
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    @BlueSky not mine but yeah in schools tho.
    Haven't you lately grown love for it?
    If not you're doing it wrong.
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    @VTCoder when I use Linux I surely do. But I'm talking about school where all they have is windows. Getting g++ and all is a lot of hassle.
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    @chaostools well in school, I used to code in that.
    If your friends you think are stuck to contact a problem and you think it's because of the ide then don't worry. You can't be treated
    P.S. ctrl+ins, ctrl+shift+ins, crtl+del
  • 0
    @eternallyAlone oh.... But except for old C++ standards, theres nothing bad in TC.
    You can also use graphics there....
    Stuck somewhere? Press right click and a great help available and you could just learn so much from the help itself..!!!
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    @VTCoder I just use Visual Studio. TC is, for all intents and purposes archaic.
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    @VTCoder lol I can't be treated? Well sorry for being a logical guy in a class of 50 students who don't have any exp in programming at all..
    My first language was python, so i knew the basic powers of a language and definition of a good IDE.
    And my friends really got a bad definition of programming in general, just because of a not so friendly compiler...
  • 0
    I feel old. I’ve started with this at high school...😭
  • 1
    @chaostools just to tell you, compiler is never friendly it's the ide who is and I agree that turbo C isn't friendly but for a newbie it's great due to help at right click (assuming newbie doesn't have much idea about how to google nicely)
    Also, it brings a new creativity in a student like I personally spent much time surfing new functions and header files available in C and C++
  • 2
    It wasn't really bad. The colored screen was quite intriguing to me.
    The thick pointer thing was fun to edit code with, move windows around, and was quite soft to me.
    But then, it wasn't as intelligent as IDEs today. Indentation was to be done manually, and the oblong font would make a small piece of code obnoxiously long ( I was a newbie back then ).
  • 2
    @chaostools I just installed visual studio and then taught my teacher to press ctrl + F5.

    P. S. - in our college we have unrestricted access to internet.
  • 2
    It's is a nightmare 😲
  • 1
    Ahh Borland C... It's like AIDS + cancer with no cure. I was half blind after the labs during my high school years.
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    Errr okay now I'm lost.
    What exactly is this?? 😭😂 I thought at first it was what a terminal looked like in past but now I'm not sure anymore
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    Did the pioneers ride this baby for Miles?
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