
Ios build on MAC: *runs ok for weeks*

Ios build on MAC [today]: bundler failed to load command: pod [thats the whole error]

devs: we need to update cocoapods

tell me, please, how is this any better than windows...? No sensible errors, no sensible debug options, no sensible solutions but trial-and-error bruteforcing...

  • 0
    cocoapods is cancer.
    I recommend to migrate to spm, if possible.
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    it isn't.

    macOS (and everything related) is just windows for people who have too much money and are too dumb for windows.
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    @tosensei as an actual user and developer of both, macOS and Windows, absolutely not.
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    Intentionally using a Mac for any kind of development is either the pinnacle of spite for Microsoft or an absolute financial necessity.

    Apple's hostility toward anything not made by them makes it a tremendous headache that I never wish to experience again.
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    @cuddlyogre but I'm building an ios app, doesn't it classify as 'made by them'?
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    @cuddlyogre in the context of development, this is bullshit.
    Using any kind of tool is extremely easy because it‘s UNIX. The cli is standardized, the file system is standardized and most of the operating system stuff is also standardized.

    Hostility towards anything not made by them?
    Like what?
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    @netikras look at that troll. He believes that Windows is the default os for development and anyone who chooses mac instead is a MS hater.
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    @netikras If it's not made by Apple, they make it as hard as possible to use on anything they did make.

    @Lensflare Except that it's a huge pain compared to even the most basic Lunux distro to build anything.

    Xcode and the hoops you need to go through with licensing and build errors determined by an RNG are great examples of their hostility toward developers that haven't bought into their koolaid.

    Personally, Debian is the default OS for development, but even Windows is better than Mac for that.
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