Friend: OMG are you hacking ?

[sudo apt-get update] running

Me: Yes. I am.

  • 27
    noob, I hack using upgrade command :3
  • 12
    I laughed my ass off hahahaha
  • 33
    Haha only once have I been asked this while using Linux terminals in public, I had four going at once and I was in a coffee shop. The lady who brought my coffee over asked, either you are hacking us or a developer? Which impressed me because it was Hong Kong and not their first language hehe
  • 1
    @notroot 🤣 🤣 🤣
  • 6
    @waruj1m 😁😁😂 But most people in Hong Kong do speak English. It's also one of their national languages.
    Courtesy of the British 😂😂
  • 3
    @notroot That’s kind of true, I lived there for 7 years. I lived on the outskirts of the city close to the Chinese border. That there’s, the sticks. English is not spoken there very much. So when it crops up I’m usually taken aghast. That said, it happened once in 7 years lol
  • 8
    //Gotta check some new hacks.
    $ sudo apt-get update
  • 4
    @waruj1m i can't imagine your face after that question haha
  • 4
    sudo apt-get install hackxor-skills -y
  • 19
    cd ~
  • 3
    @Kuroge where is this image from? i only know the one from kung fury
  • 4
    @M-Arcus is an edit from the original Kung Fury pic but with the main character of Mr. Robot(Elliot Alderson). If you didn't saw it yet you should
  • 3
    @Kuroge Thanks, added to my "Must watch" list
  • 3
    @M-Arcus welcome to devRant.
    Well I'm also a bit new here but anyways, get an avatar :)
  • 2
    @VTCoder thanks :)
  • 4
  • 8
  • 6
    fastmovingtextinterminal is my new favorite tag
  • 4
    apt update -y -'- It's enough - no need for apt-get :)
  • 2
    @waruj1m "rest assured, I'm hacking you."
  • 4
    @TJourney to hack the planet you'd have to do:

    ls https://*

  • 6
    @Kuroge It was Hong Kong, i didn't care, I was maintaining some VPS's but gave her a grin and told her that I was hacking them, and soon all the coffee would be mine...I don't think she got the joke and she sort of awkwardly smiled and sauntered off...Then someone else came up and asked for the bill shortly after....:/
  • 3
    @waruj1m HAHAHAHAHA It should be funny to be there
  • 2
    @TJourney forgot -r --color=auto
  • 4

    # wget http://*
  • 1
    I should have 2 terminals side by side with [top] running .. 😂🤣
  • 3
    npm install
  • 1

    When they see all my nvim terminal it's even better.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
    I pretended to be a serious hacker using git in command line in front of my family, LoL
  • 1
    @notroot it was the state property tax payment portal and I told them that I hacked to get them the very old( 4 to 5 yrs old ) tax receipts.
  • 1
    yeah, they believed me 😂
  • 2
    The tree command is the best hacking tool IMO.
  • 2
    Also try '$ cmatrix' ;)
  • 3
    with a hacker-like voice -> "i'm in!"
  • 1
    Can't wait for Ubuntu 18 so I don't have to run that command anymore
  • 2
    You can hide your ass by making alias to aircrack-ng commands
  • 1
    Oh yeah I'm hacking look at my ps -ef 😄
  • 1
    Ugh that's not even REAL hacking. Try running help. Now THATS hacking
  • 1
    I was smiling until they asked:

    Him: "Can you help me hack my gf's facebook?"

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