
> made tea 3 hours ago in a thermos
> got distracted by stuff
> tea still warm

it's the little things in life

  • 6
    When putting something hot in your thermos.

    1. turn on hot water and get as hot as you can

    2. fill thermos and let the water heat up the insides

    3. dump out water

    4. place your hot stuff you want to stay hot in thermos

    5. enjoy having your hot stuff hot for most of the day

    I used to put coffee in a thermos at 4am. If I did this it would stay hot past noon.
  • 1
    I'll get back to you in the next hour.
  • 2
    @SerenityHessel interesting how you got so many downvotes with such normal comments. The way how you wrote your name, a full name camel cased is normally a bot, maybe that's why. The chance that you're a bot is around 90% because of that including one liner comments :P It triggers people internal spam filter. My anti spam system also wouldn't allow you to post a URL in a rant, i'm sure :P
  • 0

    What kind of tea? I"m very green tea myself, I like anxi bai cha, silver needs white tea, tai ping honk kui and japanese greet teas who aren't too sea-tasting, but my fav atm its kukicha. It's tea stems
  • 0
    The day I stopped consuming tea and coffee, my life changed for the better. Energy levels through the roof
  • 2
    Huh, I should buy a thermos cup
    I have a habit of getting distracted and forgetting my tea for a few hours
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