
Light vs dark IDE themes

I personally prefer dark and all my coworkers use light. When they ask me to look at something, it hurts my eyes just scrolling for 5 minutes on their computer.

  • 14
    I switched to devRant dark months ago and never went back. Personal preference.
  • 6
    I am definitely a dark theme person. I literally can't use bright white themes. Makes me eyes hurt!
  • 7
    Hehe, I actually switched from dark to light. I think I'm more productive on light theme. I was slower when trying to find a variable or any other piece of code on a dark theme. I use the program f.lux so the light theme doesn't hurt my eyes too much.
  • 5
    Darcula is the way to go!!!
  • 5
    @Jumpshot44 thanks. Found dark mode
  • 3
    Dark is better for your eyes
  • 9
    Once upon a time sublime text brought me to the dark side
  • 3
    I prefer dark themes. They're easier on the eyes. Unfortunately, I prefer devRant light theme. The dark theme has too much of a purple hue for my taste.
  • 0
    Light theme provides better visibility so I use white in ST, I'm thinking of switching my linux console to be in light tones too
  • 5
    @Jumpshot44 Knew this place was legit when I saw it had a dark mode.
  • 0
    I always code my apps and software with a light and dark theme and a way to switch based on the time of day or using the ambient light sensor. Is a feature I would like to see in all apps
  • 1
    I like to use dark as well. Except at work where I use light because there are 3 windows behind me that shine the brightest light on my screen :(
  • 0
    The only real argument is that _everything_ else is bright. It's tiresome to go from dark to bright.

    It's also a lot easier to turn on a light at night than to make the daylight go away...
  • 1
    @Jumpshot44 I switched to dark theme as soon as I joined. Forgot light theme was even an option. 😄
  • 0
  • 0
    I use darcula in IntelliJ, but changed text theme to Solarized Light. It's easy on the eyes, and as previous people have mentioned, it's easier for me when I'm searching for variables or something like that.
  • 0
    I use light theme during the day time. Dark theme when I code during night.
  • 0
    I started coding using light theme in visual studio, so I'm okay with that. Later, I used nothing but vim and bash, so I'm cool with dark theme too. Currently, I use atom and my UI theme is One Light combined with Atom Spring Green for my syntax theme... Don't judge me! I like green! 😳
  • 0
    I'm more productive with light theme, but dark themes remind me of a Linux terminal, which is where I work on many projects
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