A woman can make 4 babies with 4 different fathers in 9 months, right?

Someone decided we need a "rubber band programmer" who bounces around from project to project as needed, and that gets to be me.

So I work on 4 projects, with 3 programming languages, 4 frameworks, and with users in 4 complicated industries, none of which I have experience with.

And my boss wonders why I'm not as productive as everyone who has worked on 1 project for 5 years.

  • 0
    But you are the programmer or the PM?
  • 2
  • 11
    Rubber Band Programmer
    Thanks for this. I now have a title for my resume..
  • 1
    Tell your boss the cost of context shifting. One more thing is the next step if he is growing unhappy with you is to put you on an old maintenance project. Seen it before.
  • 5
    @giggleknickers Perhaps you're the best/only candidate for that job. Keep it up, and you might get a rai... bonu... clap on th... well... *clap-on-shoulder from me*
  • 0
    @giggleknickers Think positive. If you can do it you can had it to your resume and you will improve your skills a lot. Plus the way you manage your time will be better
  • 2
    Out of curiosity what are the 4 frameworks?
  • 0
    I like your phrase, I heard something similar in response to PM's trying to throw extra freelancers on a project:

    "9 women can't make a baby in a month"
  • 0
    That's the phrase he's basing the rant on, I'm sure.
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