
I once inherited a project that had been outsourced for more than 6 months to a company at the other end of the world. Although the PM had almost daily contact with the developer, the project wasn't technically followed up.

I had already recommended code reviews 3 months before I inherited the project. But of course these had never happened.

The project contained all the nice-to-have features, but the core wasn't working. Loading the home page (with 20 records from a DB) took 15 minutes.

We then had roughly a month the get the project straight.

  • 16
    15min for 20 DB queries? Were you submitting the queries by fax machine?
  • 0
    15mins? too many joins and big dB?
  • 1
    @kwilliams not 15 minutes for 20 queries, 15 minutes for a single simple query. The query wasn't the problem. The ORM which loaded 400k records in memory for showing only 20 of them was the problem. The develops had tested with 100 records and of course that was working fine. They had forgotten to tell them that there were about 400k records in the production DB :-)
  • 0
    @Rocco I've ran into this before. Ugh
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