
You may use any distro. But against one enemy we all unite : Microsoft

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    I have a special spitfork for that company!
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    @JASE666 I did work as C# developer more than a decade ago and still like it. But when I see how much lag my dads new laptop has with every screen it opens - they really fucked up that system. I'm working on a decade old machine and it's blazing fast, ten times faster than his. Windows is always loading smth. Didn't touch a windows machine for ten years neither. That's my excuse not to fix anyone's PC, because by now, i really can't anymore :P
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    @retoor fair enough. :)
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    @retoor why u talkin to the devil?
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    @iatetoothpaste stop deleting your account every time. It doesn't make sense. It only makes sense when I do it because I say improper stuff about certain things causing me to distance often by deleting all. I'm just unable to behave myself and the true personality always comes out after a while. Can't help it.
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    @retoor um, i deleted my account coz dfox doesn't allow us to change usernames on his shit website. that's all.

    and his fucking shit app doesn't work on samsung galaxy s24+ (the phone i use).

    so there.
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    @iatetoothpaste what about Jase. Sounds nice. Do you use skyrant now?

    The irony, dfox allows literally everything besides one thing and you complain 😂 I'm so happy this site is owned by dfox, both for the great quality of the platform and his great moderation skills :p Best moderator ever. Does only do stuff when shit hits the fan. That's perfect. I wonder what keeps him busy.
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    @retoor yeah dfox is a coo.l guy and trogus too. i installed it yea, but have been coding most of the day and night. getting pages and database shit done and spending hours fixing bugs.
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    @iatetoothpaste you work on windows huh? Else I had smth cool for you. I have perfect statistics about my performance using a self written keylogger wherefrom the logged info gets translated into stories by AI about what I'm doing. The information the AI observes from your keylogdata is amazing. It has a lot of opinions about me. I can upload the whole file to chatgpt and can get very observations about myself. It knows my strong and weak parts and is more honest than I could ever be with self reflection. It's really educative.

    I try to sell the system to many people but just a few did it. One did even write his own version. That's cool too. The project gets fun when you start to get serious data after many weeks and you have a real graph about your performance, most used commands etc.
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    @retoor nice :) yeah i use windows. i'm enjoying making this social network rn. i have several pages done. auth done. i can retrieve and display posts and i'm happy with the interface. so far so good.
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    @iatetoothpaste that's nice. The only reason I'm making a chatapp because I already have some users. If I had users, I would've made a social network too. But I don't. The only thing why making the chatapp is fun is because I made it more complex what makes simpeler in the end. Normally a chatapp is just a few websockets that broadcast made with predefined frameworks.

    How will you find users for your network? Or is it pure for making the software?
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